Wednesday, 12 October 2011

The Power Of The Mind Is The Key To The World

Throughout the history of man, power has always been gained and lost by various political factions, through their abilities to control the masses, through the use of mass media.  And with the ever expanding technological sector within society, this ability to control the masses has never been more prevalent.  The time is now for man to become educated and self aware of the various political bull shit, to avoid being just another piece of the puzzle in the quest for ultimate power.      

Case in point the Nazi regime:

Would Hitler have been as powerful as he was without the use of mass media?  The answer should be a unifying NO!  And Hitler himself knew this, as in regard to his monopolization of the mass media within Germany, during World War 2, according to University of Twente.  He controlled the radio waves, the television broadcasts, and the news reports to assimilate the German ideals to his own, essentially making everyone believe anything that he wanted them to believe.  Or as the quote above puts it, he lied enough times until it became the truth.  He used mass media to control the masses, gained power, and showed ultimately how true power is not obtained from the merits of an individual or a party but off of one’s ability to control the minds of its subjects.   

Another example would be the US 2008 presidential election.  When the image of Barrack Obama wearing a turban was circulated by the Clinton campaign, in an attempt to make the citizens believe that Obama was a Muslim, and thus disregard him as a presidential candidate due to the events of 911.  (According to  They used mass media in an attempt to control the masses, to make them view their ideals as absolute, and thus ultimately try and gain power.  (Fortunately it failed).       

Overall mass media is an important tool within the political scene, as it has the power to shape how an individual thinks and believes, essentially assimilating the masses to an individual/party’s ideals.  People need to be more self aware of the various forms of politically driven mass media targeting them, in order to retain their own believes, and to prevent any single person from gaining too much power.     

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris; solid start here. Your core concept is intriguing and very worth pursuing further. More examples would be a good idea, but more importantly, try to be more concise and specific about what exactly you mean by "self awareness." You leave that key term basically undefined, and as a result it's unclear what the basic intent of your argument is. What is "political bullshit"? Is it obvious? Is all of politics bullshit? Is every instance of a political leader utilizing mass media coercive and "bad"? What sets Hitler apart from someone like Obama, who also utilized mass media in a very pronounced way in order to get elected. You'll need to pinpoint some of these differences and answer some of these questions in order to capitalize on the tremendous potential this project has. Keep up the critical thinking!
